• Speaker: Hammurabi Mendes
  • Date: March 23rd, 2012 (Friday)
  • Room: CIT 345
  • Title: "Hammr: A Distributed Execution Engine"
  • Abstract: The presentation this Friday will be divided in two parts. In the first, I will talk about Hammr, an execution framework for distributed applications developed in CS2950-U. Besides supporting arbitrary DAGs, the system supports some iterative applications modeled using the concept of barriers or using long-lived nodes with an arbitrary communication pattern. The system has some optimizations to improve data locality, and it is available under a BSD license. In the second part, we will open a discussion table to talk about the potential research  opportunities that such framework might provide, collect ideas on potential improvements, and discuss how current work could be applied to it, always aiming to foster collaboration and interaction between members of the Systems research at the department.