Jürgen Cito
Learning-based Program Analysis for Software Configurations (Jurgen Cito, MIT CSAIL)
Configuration errors have become an increasing root cause of software failures as modern software systems grow increasingly large and more complex. Just recently, a misguided software configuration change lead to major outages at Facebook and Instagram [1]. In this talk, I want to give an overview on recent work that employs learning techniques to enable program analysis for configurations: (1) Learning a static analyzer for continuous integration configurations, and (2) Synthesizing container configurations from interactions and state changes.
(1) Incorrect configuration settings lead to build failures in continuous integration (CI) environments, which can take hours to run, significantly delaying feedback loops and wasting valuable developer time. We make use of cascading decision trees to learn constraints about CI configurations that identify failing builds and their root causes. To more accurately identify root causes, we train a neural network that filters out constraints that are less likely to be connected to the root cause of a build failure.
(2) Writing container configurations (Dockerfiles) is a tedious and error-prone process. We automate this task by recording developer interactions and observe state changes in containers. The challenge is to distinguish between experimental interactions and essential interactions that eventually lead to the desired final state of the infrastructure. We show different techniques to achieve this goal in addition to a repair technique based on learned probabilistic models from all container configurations on GitHub that transforms instructions in the from the interaction language to conform to (statistical) best practices in Dockerfiles.