Vijay Chidambaram: Building Storage Systems for New Applications, New Hardware, and New Metrics
The modern storage landscape is changing at an exciting rate. New technologies, such as Intel DC Persistent Memory, are being introduced. At the same time, new applications such as blockchain are emerging with new requirements from the storage subsystem. New regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), place new constraints on how data may be read and written. New metrics, such as write amplification and device wear-out, constrain how much I/O can be written to the storage device. As a result, designing storage systems that satisfy these constraints is interesting and challenging. In this talk, I will describe the lessons we learnt from tackling this challenge in various forms: my group has built file systems and concurrent data structures for persistent memory, storage solutions for blockchains and training machine-learning models, and analyzed how GDPR affects storage systems.